To provide knowledge base and consultancy services to the community in all areas of civil engineering. to accomplish the department as the center of excellence in civil engineering education shaping the youth into prosperous civil engineers to make India a major industrial power.
To impart quality education to bring technical manpower in the field of civil engineering with the capabilities to take challenges of upcoming technologies.
Courses Offered
B.E. Civil Engineering
Annual Intake : 60 students
Survey lab
- Preparing Contour map s & Spot levels
- Open & Closed Traverse.
- Find the inaccessible distance between two points
- Plotting of lands & buildings by plane tabling
- Longitudinal & Cross Sectioning
- Longitude & Latitude of a place
- Fixing true North at a given site
Computer Aided Design Lab
- Civil3D with AutoCAD 2008,Primavera
- ANSYS, STRUDS,Auto Civil
- SCADDS Nucleus RC 2007
- SCAADS RC Design & Detailing Suite
- ADT 2.0,MathCA
Soil Engineering Lab Capabilities:
- Grading and fineness modulus course and fine aggregate.
- Specific gravity
- Bulk Density ,Water Absorption
Strength of material lab :
- Tension test on rods.
- Tests on cement under controlled
- Condition in humidification chamber.
- Tests on bricks,Tests on aggregates
- Tests on tiles,Tests on stones
- Tests on wood,Tests on hollow blocks
- Tests on paver blocks
Hydraulic Engineering Lab Capabilities :
- Determination of ground water potential and evaluation of soil characteristics.
- Pressure test on PVC pipes
- Environmental Engineering Lab Capabilities :
- Tests on water sample
- Test on Effluents
- Test on Ambient Air Quality Parameters Measurements