To provide the right environment to the student community in Computer Applications with excellent skills, character and attitude, leading to societal transformation and development.
To become a centre of excellence in the field of Computer Applications and Software Engineering through quality education, training and research for the benefit of society.
Courses Offered
M.C.A. Computer Applications
Annual Intake : 60 students
Department of Computer Applications
Year of establishment :
The MCA Department was established during the academic year 2009-2010
Courses offered & Annual Intake:
Program Education Objectives:
1. To excel in problem solving and programming skills in the various computing fields of IT Industries.
2. To develop the ability to plan, analyze, design, code, test, implement & maintain a software product for real time system. To promote students capability to set up their own enterprise in Various sectors of Computer Applications.
3. To experience the students in finding solutions and developing system based applications for real time problems in various domains involving technical, managerial, economical & social constraints.
Program Outcomes:
(a)Apply knowledge of mathematical, algorithmic, and computing principles.
(b)Analyze and interpret data, make inferences from the resulting data and apply technical skills to solve real time problems.
(c)Design a system or module, to meet desired needs, which undergoes various phases of software development lifecycle..
(d)Investigate, design and conduct experiments, by applying critical thinking to solve complex problems..
(e)Make effective use of modern tools and techniques to develop a software system.
(f)Inculcate Professional and Ethical attitude..
(g)Understand the need for, and have an ability to inculcate quality, timeliness and continuous improvement.
(h)Develop managerial skills in multidisciplinary approach..
(i)Prepare technical documents and make effective presentation.
(j)Develop teamwork, and leadership skills necessary to function productively and professionally to undertake a common goal..
(k)Develop as an Entrepreneur in the software domain through innovative approach.
Salient Features:
- More than 20 technical papers presented by the faculty in various national conferences.
- Regular credit courses on advanced topics are sprint to supplement the curriculum